Each week our school is visited by Miss Jennifer Buehler MT-BC, a board-certified music therapist who has been providing music enrichment services at Montessori School for Young Children since 2017.  She provides 30-minute group sessions of music enrichment in both our Toddler and Preschool Programs.  Miss Jennifer has a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Therapy as well as experience in Long Term Care and schools. She has practical hands-on experience as a preschool teacher and the parent of children on the Autism spectrum.

Miss Jennifer visits our Toddler Program weekly on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.  Miss Jennifer also visits our Preschool Program weekly on Wednesday mornings and bi-weekly on Thursday afternoons.  She alternates between our three preschool classes so each class has music enrichment at least twice each month.  She is proud to be returning to the Montessori School for Young Children for her second year!